Tamara Dr Đalić

Dr  Tamara Đalić

Economics, finance and banking
Konsultacije: Četvrtak od 9h do 10h

Tamara Đalić was born on July 20, 1993. in Belgrade, where she finished elementary school and VI Belgrade Gymnasium. She obtained the titles of graduate economist (2016) and master economist (2018) in the study program Finance, Banking and Insurance at the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship with averages of 9.55 in undergraduate and 9.50 in master's academic studies. She is currently in the final year of his doctoral studies at Singidunum University, with a doctoral dissertation on the topic of Analysis and Perspectives of Banking Sector Development in the Western Balkans with a special focus on forecasting the movement of problem loans. During her studies, she was a scholarship student due to her success in competitions (volleyball), but also due to her high average. Since 2016, she has been employed at the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship as a teaching associate, and in March 2019, she was elected an assistant. She is the author of several scientific and professional papers published in the country and abroad.

Biography / bibliography

1. Barjaktarovic, L., Vesic, T., Laki, B. (2022). What can be expected in Credit-Risk Management from NPL in the Western Balkans Region in the Future? International Review 3-4/2022, ISSN: 2217-9739, str:96-103. (M24)


2. Vesić T., Đekić M, Ravić N. (2019). Komparativna analiza pokazatelja likvidnosti najvećih banaka Srbije - indikator merenja performansi. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici Vol. 55, No. 42/2019, Ekonomski fakultet u Subotici, ISSN - 0350-2120, DOI: 10.5937/AnEkSub1942003V, str. 003-015. (M52)

3. Vesic, T., Gavrilovic, M., Vesic, J. (2022). Discussion of Timely Credit Risk Management In The Financial Sector: Presentation of Comparative Research Results“, Book of proceedings: Employment, Education And Entrepreneurship, ISBN 978-86-6069-202-5, str: 283-300, Jedanaesta međunarodna konferencija Zapošljavanje, obrazovanje i preduzetništvo, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, 6-8.oktobar 2022., Beograd (M33)

4. Radovic-Markovic, M., Vesic, T., Djekic, M. (2022). Monetary and Financial Cash Flows as Drivers of Foreign Direct Investments at the Global Level. International Review 1-2/2022, ISSN: 2217-9739, str: 13-28. (M24)

5. Vesic, T. Barjaktarovic, L. (2020). Movements of Balance Sheet Items and Liquidity Nexus: Evidence from Serbian Banking Sector, Industrija, Vol. 48, No. 1, ISSN: 0350-0373, Ekonomski institut u Beogradu, DOI:10.5937/industrija%v-24838,  pp. 7-22. (M51)


6. Djekic, M., Vesic, T. (2021). Regulatory and institutional restrictions on small business loans in Serbia. Zbornik radova sa Osme međunarodne naučne konferencije FINIZ2021, Univerzitet Singidunum, DOI: 10.15308/finiz-2021-38-43, str:38-43. (M33)

7. Vesić, T., Petronijević, J., Đekić, M. (2020). Balance sheet analysis with the aim of improving financial reporting – a case study of Nectar company. Zbornik radova sa Devete međunarodne naučne konferencije Zapošljavanje, obrazovanje i preduzetništvo EEE2020, ISBN: 978-86-6069-180-6, str: 83-88. (M33)

8. Gavrilović, M., Vesić, T., Nikolić, M. (2017). Sprovođenje monetarne politike Centralne banke sa osvrtom na upravljanje referentnom kamatnom stopom, Peti međunarodni naučni skup „Nauka & praksa poslovnih studija“, Univerzitet za poslovne studije u Banja Luci, 15.09.2017., ISBN: 978-99955-95-08-1, UDK: 339.743:336.74(497.11) COBISS.RS-ID:6724632, DOI 10.7251/NPPS1705392G, str.  392-399. (M33)

9. Djekic, M. Vesić, T., Šormaz, G. (2022). Belgrade Stock Exchange Indices in the Conditions ff The Covid-19 Pandemic, Ekonomija – teorija i praksa Vol. 15, No. 2/2022, ISSN: 2217-5458, str: 35-52 (M51)

10. Vesić, T., Nikolić, M. (2017). Upravljanje kreativnim računovodstvom u službi pranja novca - pretnja ekonomskom razvoju, Revizor  No. 79, 3/4-2017, Institut za ekonomiku i finansije, Beograd,  ISSN: 1450-7005, str:79-90. (M53)